Technology and electronic devices in the classroom
Education, Pedagogy, Technology, LearningAbstract
Information and Communication Technologies are immersed in today's dynamic and transforming times, in this context it is foreseeable that they will have a significant impact on education, only by recognizing and integrating these new resources to the daily work, it will be possible to impact the future of students obtaining favorable results. This article focuses on how learning with electronic devices and digital culture are being implemented in educational institutions in La Guajira, Colombia. Positivist study that used descriptive statistical analysis with a non-experimental, transectional, descriptive field design. The results show that they use the devices more for entertainment than for academic use. It is proposed to implement a series of strategies and tools offered by e-learning and digital culture, which stimulate students to learn through technology in the space and time required by it as a support in their learning process.
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