School Journalism, News, Children's DrawingAbstract
The present research aims to incorporate the newspaper at the initial education level as a resource for the teaching of reading and writing from the writing of graphic news. The study had a qualitative approach and was based on the socio-critical methodological paradigm. We worked with the Participation Action Research method, guided by the Freinet pedagogy (2014), the Newspaper technique at the Marcano School (1996), the Sociocultural theory of Vigotsky (2001) and the theory of Significant Learning of Ausubel (2008). The research was carried out at the "Pedagogical" National Initial Education Center, located at the Maracay Pedagogical Institute. We worked with 13 infants under the focus group modality. The information collected showed that news production can become a tool to develop reading-writing skills in children and for teaching-learning of curricular content.
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