



Childhood, punishment, school violence, school coexistence


There are numerous investigations on violence in the school environment. In Colombia, however, little has been discussed about the forms that punishment has taken after the promulgation of Law 1620 of 2013, which regulates school coexistence. In this essay, the legal forms that guide these regulations are reviewed. We reflect on the possible implications of recording data generated by situations that affect coexistence in the Unified Information System for School Coexistence (SIUCE). It is discussed how punishment has been modified in the discourse of school violence and highlights analogies between the tactics of the punitive society and the disciplinary practices in current schools. It is proposed that these disciplinary practices produce subjectivities regarding children and young people, similar to the dynamics of the judicial field, in addition to raising questions typical of critical thinking in the vision of teachers.

Author Biography

Luz Stella Mosquera Monroy, Secretaría de Educación de Cali

Estudiante de Doctorado en Educación de la Universidad San Buenaventura de Cali, Colombia. Magíster en Ciencias del Lenguaje de la UNED. Licenciada en Lingüística y Literatura, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Institución de adscripción: Secretaría de Educación de Cali, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Mosquera Monroy, L. S. . (2024). PUNITIVE SOCIETY AND SCHOOL COEXISTENCE. PUNISHMENT IN CURRENT SCHOOL. DIALOGICA, 21(1), 84–105. https://doi.org/10.56219/dialgica.v21i1.2937