Orientation in values as pedagogical strategy for social personal formation in primary education





Orientation, Personal, Social, Education, Values


This article exhibits the contributions obtained from the research process, focused on an education in values. For this, theoretical sources allusive to the topic were taken, under an interpretive position. The study context, the Bolivarian National Educational Unit "Armando Zuloaga Blanco". Where 5 studentsand 3 teachers participated as informants, using observation and interview as atechnique and instrument. Through content analysis, the interpretation of the findings was reflected in the following categories, Family and school accompaniment for education in values ​​Actions applied to address peace and healthy coexistence. Contributions based on personal social orientation. Which allowed as a final reflection that is required to strengthen and strengthen actions to prepare and engage parents with strategies in values ​​that allow them to promote an education based on values ​​that contribute to a coexistence in peace and harmony.

Author Biography

Rose Mary García Hernández, Unidad Educativa Nacional Bolivariana Armando Zuloaga Blanco, Caracas, Venezuela

Professor of Special Education mention Learning Difficulties of the Psychoeducational Unit "Armando Zuloaga Blanco" in the role of assistant director, for 3 years, classified as a teacher IV, with a history of entry by the Ministry of Education since 2004 to date, ie 18 years of service, located in Av. Panteón, Parroquia San José Caracas-Capital District, graduated from Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador- Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, participation in national and international events, affiliated to the research line Design, Execution, Evaluation and Management of Projects and Guidance Programmes, Counselling, Consultancy and Educational and Organisational Coaching.


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How to Cite

Rose Mary García Hernández. (2022). Orientation in values as pedagogical strategy for social personal formation in primary education. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (44), 39–65. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi44.1245


