The school based on the experiences of the students of the academic middle




School, Sense, Meaning, Students, Experiences


This article aims to analyze theoretical foundations about the meaning that school has for students in order to improve current educational processes. The research approach is qualitative and the study design is documentary. The results obtained show that school for some students is the place of socialization and encounter that offers them the opportunity to have a better future, while for others it does not generate any expectations, it does not make sense and they simply attend it out of obligation. This gives rise to the need to generate significant changes within the school, taking into account the context, diversity and interest of the students, to encourage their participation, improve educational practice and offer equal conditions. For this, it is essential that the school has its main and closest allies such as teachers, family and community.

Author Biography

Sirly Liliana Montero Gómez, Institución Educativa de Cañaveral, Turbaco- Colombia

Master's degree in Educational Sciences from the Universidad de San Buenaventura sectional Cartagena, Specialist in University Teaching from the Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, Systems Engineer from the Universidad San Buenaventura and PhD student of the Doctorate in Education at the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (Caracas -Venezuela). Currently I am a secondary school teacher in the area of technology and computer science at the educational institution of Cañaveral, located in the municipality of Turbaco


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How to Cite

Sirly Liliana Montero Gómez. (2022). The school based on the experiences of the students of the academic middle. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (44), 120–136.



Review Articles