Elements of resilience counselling for families with disabled offspring





Orientation, Resilience, Families, Disability


Orientation and resilience are two inseparable terms for the help of families that have a member with a disability or suffer adversity and unexpected needs. The article aims to promote the resilience of families of children with disability. It was based on documentary research, which allowed the review of scientific articles, books, printed material, among others, to arrive at a reflection and subsequent contrast of the selected foundations. The information collected was chosen using consistency criteria, contribution to the study area, originality of the documents. It is concluded that families who have a child with a disability suffer alterations in their routines and must have operating bases that lead them to be resilient, so the orientation seeks that these families accept their situation, take appropriate actions, assume challenges and strengthen each experience they gain in the process of living with their children with disabilities.

Author Biography

Sandy Guillen, Instituto de Educación Especial Nacional Bolivariano Arístides Bastidas, Caracas- Venezuela

Teacher specialising in Special Education. Professor José Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez University College. 2016. Classroom teacher at I.E.E.N.B Arístides Bastidas. 2012-2020. Currently, she is finishing her Master's Degree in Education. Orientation mention at the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Pedagogical Institute of Caracas.


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How to Cite

Sandy Guillen. (2022). Elements of resilience counselling for families with disabled offspring. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (44), 137–150. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi44.1251



Review Articles