Comprehensive Sexuality Education: A reality to address students with intellectual disabilities




Comprehensive education, Sexuality, Intellectual disability


Comprehensive sexuality education is addressed at the educational level, but when talking about intellectual disabilities, teachers tend to leave it aside. The aim of the article was to recognize the importance of comprehensive sexuality education in the classroom. The research was a documentary, taking into account different works and documents related to the topic, for a total of 08 units of study; the criteria for data collection was the interpretative reading of documents related to the topic. As a result, it was found that comprehensive sexuality education should be taught in educational centers, in this case, labour education workshops and their importance in the classroom. It was concluded that young people with intellectual disabilities can receive the necessary information in relation to the subject, since in spite of the fact that it is a fundamental content, many people still take it with taboo and do not talk about it in a natural way.

Author Biography

Migbell Salcedo, Unidad Educativa Colegio La Salle Tienda Honda. Caracas, Venezuela

Professor of Special Education in Special Education in Mental Retardation. Work: Currently at the U. E. Colegio La Salle Tienda Honda and in the General Direction of Special Education in the Ministry of Popular Power for Education. People's Ministry of Education. Speaker of the research "Effectiveness of Neurofeedback Therapy in the Process of Neurofeedback Therapy in the Cognitive Process of Attention in Students with Autism in the Ages 5 to 8 years old attending the Neotherapy Institution" in the III Regional Congress of Research and III Annual Regional Research Congress and III Annual Research Congress. U.P.E.L, I.P.C. (Apr 2016). Application of the Individualized Psychoeducational Program for the Attention of Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Psychoeducational Foundation, FUNDAPSIED (Sep 2017). Diploma. Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Center National Center for the Improvement of Science Education (CENAMEC).


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How to Cite

Migbell Salcedo. (2023). Comprehensive Sexuality Education: A reality to address students with intellectual disabilities. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (45), 166–176.



Review Articles