Teaching and learning trigonometry: An approach from doctoral research in mathematics education





Mathematics education, Trigonometry, Trigonometric functions, Doctoral theses


Trigonometry is a fundamental area of ​​mathematics with many difficulties in the learning and teaching processes. This article describes the current state of recent doctoral research on the didactics of trigonometry, analyzing the existing gaps and identifying possible research topics. A systematic review of 18 doctoral theses related to the descriptors trigonometry and trigonometric functions, obtained through academic search engines and repositories of different universities existing on the Internet, was carried out, using as categories of analysis the mathematical objects addressed, teaching, learning, the curriculum of mathematics and trigonometry content. The analysis carried out showed that there are conceptual, pedagogical and technological deficiencies in teachers, as well as comprehension problems of students when they study trigonometry. It is concluded that there is little research related to the teaching and learning of trigonometric functions, which constitutes a great opportunity for future doctoral research.


Key words: Mathematics education; Trigonometry; Trigonometric functions; Doctoral theses

Author Biography

Fernando Tercero Vitola de la Rosa , Fundación Universitaria Antonio de Arévalo, Cartagena-Colombia

Electronic Engineer from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Specialist in Radiocommunication Systems from Universidad del Cauca. Specialist and Master in Virtual Learning Environments from the University of Panama. 22 years of teaching experience in engineering and basic sciences. engineering and basic sciences. Currently linked as a teacher at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences at the University Foundation Antonio de Arevalo in the city of Cartagena - Colombia and at the Educational Institution Hermano Antonio Ramos de la Salle as a teacher in the area of Mathematics in secondary education.


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How to Cite

Fernando Tercero Vitola de la Rosa. (2023). Teaching and learning trigonometry: An approach from doctoral research in mathematics education. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (45), 228–253. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi45.1900



Review Articles