Educational Model based on Spiritual Values for life, self-realization and transcendence




Self-realization, Self-knowledge, Spiritual Values, Educational Models, Pedagogy of Being, Continuing Education


Spirituality is the quality proper to the transcendent nature of human beings that defines their meaning and purpose in life. Education plays a fundamental role in this mechanism of self-know-ledge and self-realization since its purpose is not only educare -to instruct, to train- but also educere -to bring to light, to bring out-. In this regard, the present research developed a model that operationalizes the spiritual through values centered on self-know-ledge and emancipation of the Self, and incorporates the actors of the educational process as active participants in the process within the framework of lifelong education. The design was nourished by successful references in the world where pedagogical practices develop qualities that promote integrity and autonomy. It was concluded that this proposal can be validated as long as it evidences internal and external transformation of those involved, in the institutions and spaces of the society of which they are part.

Author Biography

Franca Peri Giglio, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela

Postdoctoral Facilitator in Spiritual Growth, UPEL-IPC from 2019 to date (2023).
Doctorate in Educational Sciences (2003), Master in Educational Sciences (1996),
Specialization in Educational Management (1994) Universidad Santa María.
Professor of Biology and General Sciences at the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas, 1985.
Bachelor of Teaching 1979 Colegio Divino Maestro. 25 years of work experience in Basic
Education. Preschool Director for 2 years. Designer and Executor of the Values ​​Program
for the State of Miranda 1996-1999. Contracted Professor for Educational Research IPC,
Universidad Santa María. International Congress of Spirituality and Education of
the Being, 2020.


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How to Cite

Franca Peri Giglio. (2024). Educational Model based on Spiritual Values for life, self-realization and transcendence. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (48), 17–30.



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