The venezuelan criminal law area: Towards transformational leadership management from complexity


  • Jesús Rodríguez Millán Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe. Venezuela



Legal field, Transformational leader, Complexity


In modern times, a criminal judge is required to be a leader capable of achieving collective goals and purposes. This style of leadership is known as transformational leadership. The justice system functions as an executing arm of the regulatory body that stipulates a country's legal framework, and cannot be left behind with old management paradigms typical of public management. Modern management with new visions is necessary to provide transformations from the collective. For the approach of this research, the characteristics of qualitative research were taken, starting from a phenomenological approach to deal with reality and the hermeneutical method presented by Husserl. Three key informants were consulted: a judge, a secretary and an assistant, to whom an in-depth interview was applied, reaching analysis units that resulted in a closure.

Author Biography

Jesús Rodríguez Millán, Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe. Venezuela

Abogado egresado de la Universidad Santa María (USM), Venezuela. Especialista en Derecho Penal (USM). Capacitación Pedagógica para Profesionales no Docentes, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) Venezuela. Especialista en Criminalística, Instituto Universitario de Policía Científica (IUPOLC) Venezuela. Magister en Criminalística, Instituto Universitario de Policía Científica (IUPOLC) Venezuela. Experiencia laboral de veintiún años como Consultor Jurídico de la Policía del Estado Vargas, Juez de Primera Instancia Penal en el Estado Miranda. Doctorando en Ciencias Gerenciales en la Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Millán, J. . . (2019). The venezuelan criminal law area: Towards transformational leadership management from complexity. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (38), 202–227.