Theoretical fundamentals of effective schooling as a basis for the creation of an educational management model




School efficiency, Educational management, School success


The present article has as an objective analyzing the theory of effective schooling and the internal processes of the educational institutions in light of the theorical assumptions as basis for the organizational achievement of effective managements. It seeks an appropriate conceptualization of effective schooling, with a focus that would work as a basis in the construction of an educational management model. This investigation is of a qualitative focus, of a documental and descriptive type. Relevant aspects and conditions were identified that the effective schools share and how the classroom processes and the quality of teaching holds a direct impact over the learning and the school success. These results are applicable to other institutions whose results aren’t satisfactory, since they facilitate a pertinent, significant and relevant education for the student and the society, which will work to delve deeper into the subject and to strengthen future investigations.

Author Biography

Angélica María Chávez Abdala, Institución Educativa Soledad Acosta de Samper Colombia

Social Worker from the University of Cartagena, she has a diploma in University Pedagogical Training, specialist in Educational Management from the University San Buenaventura of Cartagena, Master in Educational Sciences from the University San Buenaventura Bogota, currently a student of the Doctorate in Education UPEL. She was Head of Human Resources Bimbo Ltda, Coordinator of Social Welfare and Selection in the company Brinks de Colombia S.A., Assistant of Social Development Regional North Coast of the Minuto de Dios Corporation, Coordinator of the Hogar del niño Desamparado and Social Worker of the neighborhood Las Reinas, Coordinator of Social Projects PROCARIBE Foundation. For 15 years she has been working with the Secretary of Education of the District of Cartagena, currently she is the coordinator of the Soledad Acosta de Samper Educational Institution.


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How to Cite

Chávez Abdala, A. M. . (2021). Theoretical fundamentals of effective schooling as a basis for the creation of an educational management model. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (40), 25–42.



Review Articles