Social leadership: theoretical foundations aimed at principals to promote integration between school and community




Leadership, Social leadership, School community integration


The purpose of the article is to characterize the theoretical foundations necessary for a model of social leadership, aimed at rectors of educational institutions, to contribute to school-community integration. The research is of a bibliographic documentary type circumscribed to a qualitative approach. Consequently, the information was selected, analyzed and interpreted to characterize the theoretical foundations of social leadership. The findings obtained make it clear that the leadership exercised by the directors and rectors is based on the dedication, of a high percentage of their time, to administrative tasks and activities such as the control and supervision of material and human resources, compliance with requirements administrative and bureaucratic demands of the Ministry of National Education. Therefore, it is imperative to better understand how directors or rectors can positively influence the consolidation of practices and actions that strengthen social justice in their community context, through models such as social leadership.

Author Biography

Luís Miguel Uribe Ardila, Institución Educativa Oficial Benjamín Herrera. Colombia

Specialist in Theories, Methods and Techniques of Social Research from the University of Cartagena. Specialist in Educational Evaluation from Universidad Santo Tomás. Master in Educational Management from the Technological University of Bolivar. Doctoral student in the Cohort 2019-III of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador UPEL-IPC. He currently serves as Coordinator of the Official Educational Institution Benjamin Herrera, located in the urban area of the municipality of Arjona, Bolivar-Colombia.


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How to Cite

Uribe Ardila, L. M. . (2021). Social leadership: theoretical foundations aimed at principals to promote integration between school and community. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (40), 72–88.



Review Articles