The culture of peace in colombian educational scenarios




Peace, Culture of peace, Pedagogical settings


This scientific article arises from the need to create educational spaces to promote peace in Colombia, a country that for years was affected by armed conflicts. Hence, the article aims to contribute to the formulation of theoretical foundations for the consolidation of a culture of peace in Colombian pedagogical settings. For this, postulates referring to the culture of peace and its insertion into education were taken into account. A documentary research was applied and hermeneutical analysis was used as a method. As the main finding, it was obtained that the Colombian state has tried to implement the culture of peace within the educational system, to face the consequences that conflicts have left within society. It was concluded that, although these actions have not had the expected impact, they constitute the basis for achieving peace scenarios within Colombian education.


Author Biography

Alba Lucía Suárez Marín, Institución Educativa San Juan de Damasco Colombia

Degree in Physical Education through the UNICOSTA Corporation (CUC). Master in Educational Administration and Planning, degree awarded by the Metropolitan University of Education Science and Technology "UMECIT". She works as a teacher in elementary education in the city of Cartagena de Indias Bolivar-Colombia in the San Juan de Damasco Educational Institution.


El presente artículo científico surge de la necesidad de crear espacios educativos para fomentar la paz en Colombia, país que durante años fue afectado por conflictos bélicos. De allí, que el objetivo sea contribuir con la formulación de fundamentos teóricos para la consolidación de una cultura de paz en escenarios pedagógicos colombianos. Para esto, se tomaron en cuenta postulados referentes a la cultura de paz y su inserción dentro de la educación. Se aplicó una investigación documental y se utilizó como método el análisis hermenéutico. Como hallazgo principal se obtuvo que el estado colombiano ha tratado de implementar la cultura de paz dentro del sistema educativo, para hacer frente a las consecuencias que han dejado los conflictos dentro de la sociedad. Se concluyó que, aunque estas acciones no han tenido el impacto esperado, constituyen la base para alcanzar los escenarios de paz dentro de la educación colombiana



How to Cite

Suárez Marín, A. L. . (2021). The culture of peace in colombian educational scenarios. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (40), 89–108.



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