Directive leadership in school management from a micropolitical approach




Directive leadership, School management, Micropolitics


The main objective of this article is to investigate theoretical foundations of directive leadership in effective school management, from the political perspective of educational institutions as social organizations, through documentary research. For this purpose, the research assumes the school as a field of ideological conflict where the restructuring of the sources and uses of power among the existing interest groups in it acquires relevance. The article concludes with the identification of the obstacles that hinder effective school management and the role of leadership in the reconstruction of existing relationships in favor of institutional objectives, from which the possible elaboration of an integrative proposal that includes guidelines applicable to institutions in the country.


Author Biography

Marga Luz Gómez V, Institución Educativa Técnica de Pasacaballos. Colombia

This article seeks to investigate the theoretical foundations of managerial leadership in effective school management from the political approach of educational institutions as social organizations, through a documentary research. The research assumes the school as a field of ideological conflict where the restructuring of the sources and uses of power among existing interest groups becomes relevant. It concludes with the identification of the obstacles that hinder effective school management and the role of leadership in the reconstruction of existing relationships in favor of institutional objectives, from which the elaboration of an integrative proposal with guidelines applicable to the country's educational institutions is proposed.


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How to Cite

Marga Luz Gómez V. (2021). Directive leadership in school management from a micropolitical approach. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (40), 181–202.



Review Articles