Theoretical foundations of a curriculum based on competences for Technical Media training




Curriculum, Competences, Technical high school education


The main objective of this article is to investigate the theoretical foundations of a competency-based curriculum for technical secondary training. It starts from the respective conceptions of the competency-based curriculum and technical secondary education in the Colombian educational system. A qualitative investigation was carried out, framed in the interpretative paradigm, documentary type and the hermeneutical method was applied to interpret the collected information. The results obtained indicate that a competency-based curriculum is characterized by focusing on the needs of society and the world of work, in addition to the integration of the knowledge of being, knowing and doing. Thus, it was possible to conclude that a competency-based curriculum can offer in technical secondary education, the necessary tools for students to train as proactive people, and contribute to production and innovation, which will allow Colombian society to advance towards the progress.

Author Biography

Isbelis Jácome Mendoza , Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora del Carmen. Colombia

Bachelor in Business Administration, Master in Education with emphasis in Research from Universidad San Buenaventura de Cartagena, Doctorate in Education from Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, with an experience of more than 18 years in the educational sector, especially as a teacher directive, she currently works as Academic Coordinator of the Educational Institution Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Isbelis Jácome Mendoza. (2021). Theoretical foundations of a curriculum based on competences for Technical Media training. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (40), 218–230.



Review Articles