Leftist organizations in Venezuela and ethnic-racial discrimination





Discrimination, Racism, Leftist organizations


During the 20th century, different leftist political organizations in Venezuela set out to take power to promote a change in the leadership of the country. One of their motivations was the fight against discrimination towards indigenous and Afro-Venezuelan sectors. This article aims to review this topic little addressed in academic research, through the analysis of documentary sources, and provide new interpretations in this regard. It is concluded that theses motivations served as the basis for various government initiatives that were carried out since 1999, such as the enactment of the Organic Law against Racial Discrimination (2011), the Curricular Reform in Secondary Education (2017), among others. With these tools, the aim has been to make the population aware of racism and discrimination in a society that defines itself as egalitarian. 

Author Biography

Humberto Jaimes Quero, Centro de Investigación de la Comunicación (CIC) Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB). Venezuela

Social Communicator (UCV). Master in History of the Americas (UCAB). Diploma in Dircom and its role in organisations (CIAP-UCAB). Researcher at the Communication Research Centre (UCAB). Postgraduate lecturer in Social Communication (UCAB) (Communication and Social Representations). Undergraduate lecturer (Sociology of Communication; Diversity and Communication). CIC representative to the Association for Freedom of Expression (APLEX). Member of the Editorial Board of the CIC's journal Temas de Comunicación. Contributor to the magazine Comunicación de Centro Gumilla. Former reporter and Editor-in-Chief of the weekly Quinto Día. Investigative reporter for Exceso, El Universal, Últimas Noticias. Contributing columnist for El Universal, El Estímulo and other media. Has held various positions in the Public Affairs Management of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA): advisor to the Planning Management, advisor to the Oil Education Programme and supervisor of Communications (2003-2018). He has been a speaker at forums and conferences.


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How to Cite

Humberto Jaimes Quero. (2021). Leftist organizations in Venezuela and ethnic-racial discrimination. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (41), 25–42. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi41.935



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