Cognitive skills in memory development




Cognitive skills, Memory, Teaching, Learning


Scientific and technological progress has changed the way in which the family, society and educational agents interact with each other because of the amount of information that circulates. The learning that the child, the student and any citizen acquires, will be stored somewhere in our brain, as data and knowledge that will serve us later. The article describes the importance of orienting cognitive skills in the development of memory, to understand and exercise the work of the senses so that neurons make multiple connections between themselves and the brain activate all their functions. The task of parents and teachers in the education and training of children and students should start from the early ages, taking advantage of all the resources that the environment offers us and can interact in a real context competently.  

Author Biography

Yván Villegas Díaz, IE “María Negrón Ugarte” Trujillo – Perú

Doctor in Educational Administration. Master in Educational Sciences. Degree in Physics and Mathematics. Specialist in Educational Technology and Informatics. Teacher in Secondary Education in Mathematics. Diploma in Operations Management, Administration and Human Resources; Educational Management and Learning Problems. Former advisor in the area of mathematics IE "María Negrón Ugarte". Currently he is Deputy Director IE "María Negrón Ugarte".


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How to Cite

Yván Villegas Díaz. (2021). Cognitive skills in memory development. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (41), 61–87.



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