Creative thinking to tackle academic challenges




Creativity, Motivation, Educational innovation, Thought


This research article was done with the aim of correlating the creativity and school success variables of undergraduate-level students so a type of research was used a type of non-experimental research was used in order not to intervene with the variables, it was also planned to be a transactional study since it was intervened in a single moment for the application of the research instrument analyzed by means of the linear regression method from which it turned out that student relate originality with utility and educational innovation of their projects as well as their interests, the motivation that comes from your teachers and the use of convergent and divergent thoughts, so it is concluded that the use of creativity leads to school success.

Author Biography

Edith Alejandra Pérez Márquez, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. México

PhD in Educational Sciences from the Autonomous University of Coahuila. She obtained a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (UAZ) and a Master's degree in Educational Sciences with a specialisation in Educational Research from the Academic Unit of Higher Education of the UAZ. She has worked as an Educational Psychologist in primary education, preschool and childcare. She is currently a Research Professor of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at UAZ, where she conducts research on Creativity and Inclusive Education. He is also a member of the Academic Body Psychology, Creativity and Education. He has published articles on higher education, creativity, school success and quality of life.


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How to Cite

Edith Alejandra Pérez Márquez. (2021). Creative thinking to tackle academic challenges. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (41), 88–106.


