Communication skills: A way to strengthen the quality of primary education




Language, Communicative competence, Communicative skills, Primary education


The purpose of this article is to reflect on the relevance of communication skills for strengthening the educational quality of basic primary education. It was an interpretive documentary type study. Curriculum references from the Ministry of National Education, scientific articles, and books by experts in the area of ​​language were chosen to carry out the analytical, interpretive, and construction of meanings process. The results evidenced an approach to language that privileges the construction of meaning and meaning, in addition to communication, however, according to the PISA test, it reports that 50% of Colombian students have a deficiency in language skills. It is necessary to reflect, raise awareness and appropriation of the curricular and theoretical elements on the didactics of language, in order to then begin to generate deliberate actions from the classrooms, focused on improving the pedagogical performance that is offered to students for the development of communication skills.

Author Biography

Eugenia Prins Niño, Institución Educativa Comunal de Versalles-Magangué, Bolívar - Colombia

Psychologist. Corporación Universitaria del Caribe CECAR 2005. Specialist in ethics and pedagogy, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos 2009. Master's degree in education with emphasis in exact, natural and language sciences, Universidad del Cartagena 2017. PhD student in education at UPEL, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Speaker at national and international events. Work experience 16 years.


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How to Cite

Eugenia Prins Niño. (2022). Communication skills: A way to strengthen the quality of primary education. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (43), 238–249.



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