Evolution of pedagogical thinkingas a symbol of recognition


  • Sol M. Martínez V. Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada (UNEFA), Venezuela




Pedagogical Approach, Language, Education


Education is one of the great pillars on which the building of human society rests, it has been the subject of debate throughout human history. Great thinkers, philosophers, pedagogues, psychologists, economists and politicians have written and pronounced on how the educational system of a nation or a society should be directed and how it should be taught to children and other people. In this historical evolution, the traditional school model and the new school model have stood out. Each of these models has defenders and detractors. Each one seeks to highlight the benefits of each system or, on the contrary, criticize its shortcomings. This has led to the emergence of various pedagogical approaches that for a time seem to be the panacea to the structural and functional problems of the teaching - learning processes, to end, decaying and losing importance and be replaced by a new educational paradigm, due to the bombing permanent information and technological explosion that are hampering and closing the space for reflection and free decision-making, with awareness of what we want and the limitations and needs that restrict us. On the other is language as a means to understand the subject through communication and transform realities from a pedagogical thought as a sign of recognition. Therefore, the purpose of the essay is to review pedagogical approaches and their language in education by recognizing the epistemological heritage and its contribution to strengthening educational work with its particularities, nuances and characteristics that distinguish it.


Author Biography

Sol M. Martínez V., Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada (UNEFA), Venezuela

Título de Profesor en Lengua Extranjera. Mención: Inglés en la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador/Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Con postgrado en la Universidad  Santa María en la especialización “Planificación y Evaluación de la Educación, y actualmente doctorando en Innovaciones Educativas en la Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armadas. Ha participado en seminarios y jornadas de extensión universitaria. Subdirectora Académica en la Unidad Educativa Nacional Luis Eduardo Egui Arocha.  Obtuvo la Orden Dilia Delgado Bello en su Primera Clase. La experiencia educativa y cultivar el intelecto le ha permitido hacer publicaciones en revistas arbitradas en el ámbito nacional.


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How to Cite

Martínez V., S. M. . (2017). Evolution of pedagogical thinkingas a symbol of recognition. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (36), 19–41. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi36.564



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