Autonomous learning: theoretical contributions for its application in Primary basic education




Autonomous learning, Primary education, Strategies


Contemporary educational trends make it necessary to review all the educational dynamics with which the teaching and learning processes have been developed up to now and aspects that are not highly valued, such as autonomous learning, enter the scene. The purpose of the study is to provide theoretical elements that support the application of autonomous learning in students of basic primary education. As a methodology, a process of analysis and interpretation of the information typical of a documentary-type investigation was developed, based on digitized and printed sources. The results reveal that in the current knowledge society it is necessary to develop certain educational competencies; such as the ability to think critically, intellectual independence, and learning to learn. It is concluded that the development of cognitive and metacognitive skills of students are essential for autonomous learning and it is only possible to achieve it through practice.

Author Biography

Trinieva González, Institución Educativa Oficial María Reina. Colombia

Degree in Physical Education from the University of Pamplona. Specialist in Playful Pedagogy, Universidad Los Libertadores. Master in Education, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar. Doctorate in Education, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador-Pedagogical Institute of Caracas, Venezuela. Currently works as coordinator of the Official Educational Institution María Reina of the District Education Secretariat of the city of Cartagena.


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How to Cite

González, T. . (2021). Autonomous learning: theoretical contributions for its application in Primary basic education. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (40), 109–123.



Review Articles