About the Journal

The journal GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA (RGP) is an organ for the dissemination of knowledge through multi-thematic contributions related to the work and knowledge of Education resulting from the work of national and international researchers. In 1960 its first issue was published in a physical version and in 2014 it began to publish digital versions. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. RGP is edited by the Department of Pedagogy of the Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador.



Editorial Fund Mariano Picón Salas

Editor-in-chief of the Editorial Fund

Bernardo Bethencourt

Editorial Coordinator

Jesus Lovera


Legal Deposit pp 197602651252 ISSN: 0435-026X

Digital Legal Deposit DC2018001050 ISSN: 2959-1872

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Indexed by ROAD


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No. 49 (2024): GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA Journal
					View No. 49 (2024): GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA Journal

The journal GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA (RGP) is an organ for the dissemination of knowledge through multi-thematic contributions related to the work and knowledge of Education resulting from the work of national and international researchers. In 1960 its first issue was published in a physical version and in 2014 it began to publish digital versions. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. RGP is edited by the Department of Pedagogy of the Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador.

Published: 2024-05-23

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Fondo Editorial Mariano Picón Salas

Editor en jefe del Fondo Editorial

Bernardo Bethencourt

Coordinador Editorial

Jesús Lovera

Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas.

Torre Docente, Planta baja. Avenida Páez, El Paraíso, Caracas 1020. Venezuela. 


Depósito Legal pp 197602651252   ISSN: 0435-026X                                        

Depósito Legal digital DC2018001050  ISSN: 2959-1872

Indexada por CROSSREF  

Indexada por ROAD

Directorio LATINDEX

Indexada por SciELO

Factor de medición SJR