Geometry, digital environment, problem solving, GeoGebra, initial mathematics teacher trainingAbstract
The purpose of the research arises from examining and recognizing the importance of the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of geometry in the professional development of future Mathematics teachers. For this reason, it is intended to design a Curricular Unit for the resolution of Geometric Problems in the Digital Environment. Regarding the theoretical references, the didactics of geometry, the initial training of mathematics teachers, the use of GeoGebra and problem-solving models will be considered. Methodologically it is framed within the socio-critical paradigm, qualitative approach, field work with a view to transformation; of the training of future teachers specializing in mathematics. A discussion group will be held as an information collection technique, and a script of topics or issues of interest will be used as instruments. All students specializing in mathematics at UPEL-Maracay will be considered co-researchers.
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