V National Convention of Teaching Managers. II International Education Congress and V National Trade Union Assembly of Delegates: The New Presentiality, Impacts and Challenges of Teaching Managers.


  • GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela




Within the framework of the national meeting and international congress of school heads, it is considered that one of the fundamental aspects is the training of the school head as a pedagogical leader of the educational communities. educational communities. We are also aware that he/she is responsible for the management of the institution in every aspect of the school. responsibility for the management of the institution in each one of the different but, in addition to these qualities, it is also necessary to have competencies that enhance leadership and competencies that enhance leadership and the vision of the curriculum that we wish to project. the curriculum that is to be projected.



How to Cite

GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA. (2022). V National Convention of Teaching Managers. II International Education Congress and V National Trade Union Assembly of Delegates: The New Presentiality, Impacts and Challenges of Teaching Managers. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (44), 190. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi44.1341

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