The challenges of psychology for the construction of new paradigmsand responding to emerging pandemic problems




Approaches, Model, Paradigm, Holistic, Spiritual


Psychology today more than before has the challenge of existing in a society immersed in an unstable and uncertain environment. Far-reaching explorations ensure new possibilities such as neuroscience, quantum physics, medicine and informatics; In contrast to wars and pandemic diseases, they invite scholars of human behavior to build new paradigms that provide answers and solutions to high levels of suicide, existential emptiness, post-pandemic, mental health, drug addiction, and violence, among others. This article is oriented from epistemology to show routes that psychology as a science has provided to the knowledge of the human being. For this tour, various approaches, documents and analyses of theoretical approaches were reviewed; all this in order to assume a new look that allows us to understand people as relational beings within a bio- psycho-social-spiritual-cosmological dynamic and thus find new possibilities to achieve satisfactory levels of well-being.

Author Biography

Irene M Puertas Ruiz, Universidad De La Salle – San José, Costa Rica

She studied at the Liceo Aplicación, at the Escuela Gran Colombia and obtained a bachelor's degree in humanities and teacher training. Subsequently, she entered the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) and obtained a degree in Psychology, specialising in Educational Psychology. She holds a Master's degree in Group Dynamics from the UCV and in Child Guidance from the Psychiatric and Psychological Research Centre of Venezuela. She has academic experience at the Universidad Simón Rodríguez in the Master's Degree in Family. She obtained a Diploma in Logotherapy and Logoeducation at the Centro de Logoterapia y Psicología Existencial in Costa Rica. D. in Education at De La Salle University in Costa Rica. Currently teaching in the doctorate in Education and in the degree in Psychology at the same university. She has participated as a speaker, workshops in meetings, seminars and national and international congresses.


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How to Cite

Irene M Puertas Ruiz. (2023). The challenges of psychology for the construction of new paradigmsand responding to emerging pandemic problems. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (46), 26–42.



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