Heatoubiopedagogy of Self-Care. Power, Knowledge and Truth. A Foucault's look





I take care of myself, Self-ethics, Knowledge, Power, Truth, Heatoubiopedagogy


For years, various theories have been developed to contribute to people's self-care, not only for themselves, but that care is convenient for themselves and others. However, what has been produced in this field has not caused a major impact on the sciences. This study sought to update this theme by presenting an approach from a Foucault perspective, interweaving it with the realities of Power, Knowledge and Truth. The objective of piloting this trip and generating a guiding scheme of operations, bio-pedagogical, self-taught Self Care, in a conceptual framework, with a basic foundation: epistemological-onto-methodological genealogical archeology in the spiritual dimension. And that it can result in giving birth to medicine inspired by the experience of suspending "neglect of oneself" to care for oneself, which transits as an opinion of the disease-illness and suffering habituated in the mind as a one-dimensional way of being of life. Susceptible to be transformed to another way of Being as a reflective existence; creation and free choice. Which seeks to develop an ethic of self-care, in the discontinuity of the Greco-Roman environment and the post-pandemic news, convenient for the new sciences, relationships with oneself and the otherness involved.

Author Biography

German Cedeño Volkmar, Universidad Internacional San Isidro Labrador. San José, Morazán, Costa Rica

PhD in Education, Universidad de la Salle, Costa Rica. MSc University Teaching. National University, Costa Rica. Psychiatrist, Specialist in Public Health. UCV, Venezuela. Studied Theology, Santa Rosa University, Caracas. Doctoral studies in Naturopathy, Denver, Colorado and ESSUNAT, Venezuela. Anthropology of Health, Economic and Social Sciences, UCV, Venezuela. Research professor at the Institute for Research in Education. INIE - UCR. University of Costa Rica. Lecturer in Final Degree Projects, School of Public Health. School of Medicine. First Latin American Prize in Oncology Social Projects, Brazil, which merited recognition as outstanding teacher UCR. Currently works as a teacher of Neuropedagogy, Special Education. San Isidro Labrador International University. Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

German Cedeño Volkmar. (2023). Heatoubiopedagogy of Self-Care. Power, Knowledge and Truth. A Foucault’s look. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (46), 43–66. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi46.2068



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