Incorporation of the b-learning methodology in the English Teaching process as a second language




B-learning, Teaching and learning, Virtual scenarios, ICT


The incorporation of blended approaches in education that combine remote and face-to-face training are synonymous with a major and authentic paradigm shift within traditional theories of teaching and learning. The purpose of this study was to provide a reflection on incorporating b-learning methodology in the process of teaching English as a second language. For this systematic review, the following databases were used: Scopus, Scielo and Redalyc, found 240 articles and selected 18 for an in-depth review on the topics of the b-learning approach and the review of these strategies in the teaching of English in higher education institutions. In synthesis, it is established that the incorporation of this approach combined with the use of ICT contributes vehemently to the development of better competencies in English learning and therefore points to a better formation of citizens.

Author Biography

Vladimir Ahumada Blanco , Universidad abierta y a distancia UNAD, Cartagena-Colombia

Degree in English and French. Graduated from the University of Pamplona Norte de Santander. Specialist in Educational Informatics Administration from the University of Santander-UDES. Master in Educational Technology Management from the University of Santander-UDES. Her academic work experience was at the Military College Almirante Colon, Colegio de la Esperanza as a basic secondary teacher and Colegio Biffi de Cartagena as a basic secondary teacher. She is currently working at the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD and at the Institución Educativa Técnica de Pasacaballos (District of Cartagena). She has participated in national and international events such as: International Congress of Bilingualism City of Valledupar. II International Congress of Research and Innovation in Education. He was a speaker at the Meeting of English Teachers in the District of Cartagena. She is a doctoral student in Education at the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Vladimir Ahumada Blanco. (2023). Incorporation of the b-learning methodology in the English Teaching process as a second language. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (46), 279–291.



Review Articles