Awakening motivation strengthens reading comprehension




Motivation, Learning, Descriptors, Comprehension, Reading


This research focused on interpreting how  students  are motivated  to  strengthen their reading comprehension. The study was guided by a qualitative approach; applying a focus group of 13 teachers from an educational institution located in Magangué-Colombia. The grounded theory method was applied, developing the constant comparison analysis, which involves collecting information, coding it and analysing it. The results obtained show that a student who is motivated by reading is characterised by attention, perseverance, interest and a positive attitude, which at the same time gives him or her peace of mind, self-confidence and the ability to be confident in the learning process. In terms of reading comprehension, the most common descriptors for students able to understand reading are associating content, identifying the elements present in the text, organising ideas and establishing cause-and-effect relationships, all of which help with learning in other academic areas.

Author Biography

Samara Isabel Paternina Ramírez, Institución Educativa San Mateo, Magangué-Colombia

Degree in Basic Education with emphasis in Humanities and Spanish Language, Universidad del Magdalena-Colombia. Master in Education with emphasis in Exact Sciences- University of Cartagena- Colombia. Classroom teacher at the educational institution San Mateo-Magangué. With 19 years of experience in the school environment.


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How to Cite

Samara Isabel Paternina Ramírez. (2023). Awakening motivation strengthens reading comprehension. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (47), 107–120.


