Reflections on managerial bioethics in the university educational fabric




Management bioethics, University education, University management


This essay is presented with the purpose of thinking about managerial bioethics within the university educational context, outlining a corollary of ideas prior to the examination of different topics, where the most relevant aspects were reviewed, in addition to considering the Complexity Paradigm, Complex Management and Social Ecology, as references related to the subject. With this, it is possible to conceive university management from a macro vision, aligned to the principles of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice, which to be effective must be materialized in the socio-educational context, coated with its epistemic, axiological and ontological load, providing the multiple character observed, with principled, rationalist, personalist, ethical and humanistic particularities.

Author Biography

Ana Isabel Salazar González, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, El Tigre-Venezuela

PhD in International Public Law with a specialisation in Human Rights (Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe, 2022). Master in Management Sciences (Universidad Nororiental Privada Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho, UGMA, 2018), Bachelor in Public Accounting (Universidad Politécnica Territorial José Antonio Anzoátegui, UPTJAA, 2020), Bachelor in Industrial Relations (Universidad de Carabobo, 1999). 20 years of experience as a manager in private industry and administrative positions in different universities. Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at UGMA, UPEL and UPTJAA nuclei El Tigre, Anzoátegui state. Undergraduate teaching in virtual mode at IACC, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Tutor and jury of Degree Works and Doctoral Theses.


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How to Cite

Ana Isabel Salazar González. (2023). Reflections on managerial bioethics in the university educational fabric. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (47), 349–362.