Proposal for strengthening the learning of rational numbers in educational institutions for adults



Proposal, Rational numbers, Educational institutions, Adults


The rational numbers of fractions by the adult population have presented serious difficulties in Neiva, Colombia, demonstrating the weakness of mathematical thinking in this direction. For this reason, the research aimed to design a workshop guide to strengthen the mathematics subject on the management of CLEI 3 rational numbers, in adult educational institutions of the city mentioned above. The study was descriptive, the research method is hypothetical deductive. The notable result is the absence of mathematical skills related to fractions, which allows us to conclude that there is a learning deficiency, located in the level of knowledge that is handled, both in content and procedures, which is why the proposal of a workshop guide, as a strategy to overcome the obstacles that prevent the understanding of this area in adults.

Author Biography

Telvia Castilla Peñate, Institución Educativa Inem Julián Motta Salas, Neiva – Huil

Degree in Mathematics and Physics. Specialist in Mathematics from the University of Córdoba - Colombia. Master in Applied Mathematics from Universidad EAFIT Medellin - Colombia. Occasional lecturer at the University of Córdoba. Full-time professor at CORHUILA University. Professor at Universidad Surcolombiana. Classroom teacher at the Inem Julián Motta Salas Educational Institution in the city of Neiva - Huila - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Telvia Castilla Peñate. (2024). Proposal for strengthening the learning of rational numbers in educational institutions for adults. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (50), 122–137. Retrieved from