Alternatives towards the production of essays from a pedagogical vision in the academic field



Essay production, Discursive Genres, Academic field, Pedagogy


This study presents an advance of ongoing research, whose purpose is to generate alternatives for the production of essays from a pedagogical vision in the academic field of the Monseñor Arias Blanco University Institute (IUP-MA). This intention arises from the need for specific training around the writing process. The purpose is to optimize mastery in the creation of essay texts, under the theory of Discourse Genres (GD) by Bakhtin (1998). The methodology will correspond to Participatory Action Research in the phases of: diagnosis, planning, execution-reflection and evaluation, from the socio-critical vision leading to changes in social and educational praxis. The application of the aforementioned phases implies permanent resizing, reorientation or rethinking of actions based on executed reflections. Regarding the diagnosis, actors involved in the IUPMA educational scenario will participate, who will provide requirements regarding the production of essays.

Author Biography

Torrealba Dolores , Instituto Universitario Pedagógico Monseñor Arias Blanco (IUPMA)-Venezuela

Professor of Language and Literature, Master in Latin American Literature; academic degrees obtained at the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Studying for a doctorate in Pedagogy of Discourse at the same university. Retired from the MPPE with 25 years of service, having taught at all levels of education. 26 years of service at the Instituto Pedagógico Monseñor Arias Blanco, as a contract teacher in all curricular units in the area of language, currently Head of National Studies Control. Participation as a speaker at the XXII Jornada Internacional Alfalito (Association of Linguistics and Philology of Latin America) 2023.


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How to Cite

Torrealba Dolores. (2024). Alternatives towards the production of essays from a pedagogical vision in the academic field. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (51), 283–296. Retrieved from



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