The academic discourse of the instructional process in the framework of distance education


  • Neudys Rada Blanco Universidad Nacional Abierta. Venezuela


Academic speech, Discursive strategies, Long distance education, Participatory action research


The instructional process that occurs in the different careers offered by the National Open University (UNA) is mediated by an Academic Discourse (DA). With this article, the intention is to present the progress of a research in progress on the academic discourse of the instructional process in the framework of distance education. As theoretical support they are taken in postulated considerations referring to the pedagogy of discourse, academic discourse, distance education and discursive strategies. The selected methodology corresponds to the phases used in Participatory Action Research (PAR), because it implies a dynamic that favors the generation of changes in social and educational practices. These phases imply a diagnosis, building action plans, the execution of these plans and the permanent reflection of those involved in the investigation, which allows resizing, reorienting or rethinking, new actions in response to the reflections made. A first approach was made with reality (as an initial part of the diagnostic phase) with the participation of the actors involved in university dynamics who consider that the DA used in UNA is satisfactory; however, it can be improved, among other reasons, with the use of ICT.

Author Biography

Neudys Rada Blanco , Universidad Nacional Abierta. Venezuela

Master in Reading and Writing, graduated from the Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University - Caracas Pedagogical Institute. Language teacher, graduated from the same institution. Coordinator of the General Studies Area of ​​the UNA. Coordinator of the Distance Reading and Writing Program for Children of the UNA (PROLECS-UNA) from 2006 to 2015. She belongs to the Research Line: Teacher training in the open and distance education system. He is part of the Editorial Committee of the electronic journal UNA Investig@ción ​​of the National Open University. He has participated as a speaker in national and international events. He has published articles on language teaching in refereed and indexed journals. Accredited since March 2011 by the National Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation (ONTIC) as Researcher, Level "A" in the Research and Innovation Stimulus Program (PEII).


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El discurso académico del proceso instruccional en el marco de la educación a distancia



How to Cite

Rada Blanco , N. . (2019). The academic discourse of the instructional process in the framework of distance education. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (38), 278–298. Retrieved from



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