Management of university research: Paradigmatic visions, senses and practices in the voice of the protagonists
Research management, Phenomenology, Hermeneutic understandingAbstract
The phenomenological-interpretative approach, as a methodological way for the apprehension of meanings and actions that characterize the being of human existence, from the Heideggerian sense, allowed “to see from oneself what is shown, and to make it see as it is shown from himself”, through the understanding and interpretation of the“ Dasein ”proper to lived experience, as a social, linguistic and historical reality. In this sense, a phenomenological experience is presented, which was oriented to discover the implicit meaning in the investigative practice that takes place in the Sucre Nucleus of the Universidad de Oriente, attending to the experiences of its teachers and researchers. The investigative experience allowed us to interpret the aspects that characterize the aforementioned investigative practice, while envisioning an emerging perspective on the management of investigative processes, in keeping with the propositional imagery of those who experience, feel and suffer it according Heidegger.
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