The Emerging Company by Rafael Echeverría


  • María Teresa Mendoza Universidad Alejandro De Humboldt Sede Dos Caminos, Venezuela



Every company today recognizes the importance and need for transformation. Every company knows that if it does not transform, it compromises its survival. The slogan seems to be “Transform or Die”. Therefore, this exhibition is aimed at revealing the efforts designed to build a new and more powerful way of doing business, based on the role played by conversations in the organizational sphere, promoted by Dr. Rafael Echeverría.
The traditional way of doing business no longer works, it is in crisis and it is necessary to find a coherent organizational alternative that is capable of replacing it. Among the multiple changes that are associated with the radical transformations of companies, two can be especially highlighted: the first aimed at modifying the central figure of authority that was predominant in the traditional company and that was represented by the manager/foreman dedicated to the command and control, and in the transformation of the emotional substratum that was based on fear and the second, in the emerging company the central figure will be the manager/coach and fear will be replaced by trust, which promotes relationships of trust, allowing that workers achieve better results and leads to transformative actions, capable of generating and conquering new worlds, futures and possibilities.

Author Biography

María Teresa Mendoza, Universidad Alejandro De Humboldt Sede Dos Caminos, Venezuela

Ejecutiva con amplia experiencia docente adquirida durante 21 años en el manejo y docencia de negocios internacionales y comercio exterior, en diferentes instituciones públicas como privadas. Abogado con Maestría en Administración Pública. Master en Administración Pública  y Especialista en   Administración de Aduanas e Impuestos y actualmente Doctorando en Innovación Educativa.  Labora en Universidad” Alejandro de Humboldt” y en el Colegio Universitario “Francisco de Miranda”. Con cursos y actualizaciones dentro de la Carrera; además de diferentes publicaciones en revistas arbitradas en el ámbito nacional.


Echeverría, R. (2005). Ontología del Lenguaje. Editorial Comunicación Noreste Ltda. Santiago de Chile, Chile.

Echeverría, R. (2011). La Empresa Emergente. La confianza y los desafíos de la transformación. Ediciones Granica, S.A



How to Cite

Mendoza, M. T. (2017). The Emerging Company by Rafael Echeverría. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (36), 244–250.