The Depression in times of the COVID-19 pandemic




Depression, Pandemic, COVID-19


Depression is an illness that alters emotions, thinking, and the body. The objective of this research was to explain whether the COVID-19 pandemic increased this discomfort. Through the documentary review method, the systematic analysis of 18 articles was made, published between 2019 and 2022 from electronic sources, the results confirmed that the greatest increase in the disease occurred in the first months of the pandemic. Also, it was shown that practicing physical activity, having good sleep hygiene and family contact are protective factors that reduce the possibility of suffering from depression and favored the psychological adaptation of the population during confinement. In conclusion, it is necessary to train the population in coping strategies and the development of some skills to face stressful events such as the one experienced at this time.

Author Biography

Dina Paola Díaz Páez, Institución Educativa Aguas Negras, Montería, Colombia

Psychologist from the Pontificia Bolivariana University, Master in Neuroscience from the Universidad
in Neuroscience from the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia; 14 years of experience in the educational
in the educational sector in Monteria


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How to Cite

Dina Paola Díaz Páez. (2023). The Depression in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (45), 151–165.



Review Articles