Pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching of the nature of science and teaching praxis




Nature of Science, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Investigation action


The construct “Nature of Science” is fundamental in citizens' scientific literacy. However, its complexity has been an obstacle to its adequate treatment in the classroom. To overcome this problem, an educational process based on “Pedagogical Content Knowledge” was carried out in the Natural Sciences courses of the Department of Biology and Chemistry, of the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas with an Action Research design, the participants being a group of teachers and their respective students. The narrative analysis of first-order action research allowed us to infer that the development of pedagogical content knowledge causes future teachers to modify their beliefs about teaching and build pedagogical knowledge. The second-order research explains that action research turned out to be an ideal framework to self-reflect on praxis and transform it, generate professional development and acquire investigative maturity.

Author Biographies

Marvis Martínez Bruce, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela

PhD in Education UPEL-IPC. Master in Education, mention in Biology Teaching, UPEL-IPC, Venezuela. B.A. in Education, area of concentration: Natural Sciences. Professor of Natural Sciences, UPEL-IPC, Venezuela. Head of Chair (2019-2021). Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Education, mention in Biology Teaching (2018-2021). Researcher of the PEII and active member of the research lines Nature of Science and Science Education UPEL-IPC. Lecturer in the Doctorate in Education at UCAB (2023). Participant in national and international research events. Author of research articles in indexed journals.

Esteban E. Añez Briceño, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela

Professor (UPEL-IPC). PhD in Education (IPC). Master in Education, mention in Curriculum (IPC). Master in Sciences, mention in Ecology (University of Puerto Rico) Professor of Biology and Chemistry (IPC). Lecturer in Ecology at undergraduate level. Teacher of Research Methodology and thesis tutor in Master's Degree in Biology Teaching (IPC). Teacher of Qualitative Methods and thesis tutor in the Doctorate in Education (IPC and UCAB). Participant in national and international research events. Author of research articles.


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How to Cite

Marvis Martínez Bruce, & Esteban E. Añez Briceño. (2023). Pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching of the nature of science and teaching praxis. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (47), 21–42.


