Evaluative action from a critica-reflexiva perspective


  • Marjorie Suárez Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela




Evaluation, Changes, Evaluation practice


Evaluate today is not an easy task, it is not simply complete a questionnaire or see if a subject meets the established Canon, nor is it averaging a few numbers and with those averages make decisions about the educational fact the evaluation goes beyond, is a process that requires multiple looks to be one of the main components of education as social practice and rationale for change. In recent years, has tried to give the concept a new meaning and, therefore, the analysis process that develops in the assessment through an approach from different perspectives of action, in order to understand the complexity of the process and in consequence, generate significant changes in the being and make evaluation action. In this sense the article presented outlines some ideas on educational assessment, which is intended to contribute to the opening of reflexive critical processes in the natural of the evaluative action, belonging to different subjects context of the school environment.

Author Biography

Marjorie Suárez, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela

Magister en Evaluación Educacional. UPEL-José Manuel Siso Martínez Licenciado en Educación, Mención Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Catòlica Andrès Bello. Articulista en la  Revista de Investigación RIEAC (Red de Investigadores en Educación de América y el Caribe). Docente ordinario en el UPEL-IPC. Docente por Horas en el Colegio La Concepción de Montalbán. Tallerista en Evaluación por Competencias, Evaluación Educacional, Construcción de Técnicas e Instrumentos de Evaluación,  Estrategias Evaluativas y de Aprendizaje, Evaluación Institucional. Profesor de la Maestría en Currículo UPEL-IPC.


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How to Cite

Suárez, M. (2016). Evaluative action from a critica-reflexiva perspective. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (35), 126–144. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi35.557



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