Experience of teachers in the teaching of care for students during hospital practices

Experience des enseignants dans l'enseignemen des soins aux étudiants pendant les pratiques hospitalières


  • Maribel Osorio Universidad Central de Venezuela




Teaching, Care, Nursing


For the nursing teacher, the teaching of care in the internship centers is a challenge in terms of combining theory with practice so that the student can develop competences in a real context. The health sector is facing situations that make it difficult to carry out practices, including: supplies, equipment and materials deficit, decrease of the professional team, poor hygiene conditions, among others. The objective of the research was to reveal the experience in nursing care teaching. The research was descriptive with a field design with an interpretive phenomenological approach. The informants, five professors from the School of Nursing of the Central University of Venezuela. For the collection of information, the phenomenological interview was used. The results highlight the categories: conception and the subcategories teaching in nursing and nursing care, the experience category and the subcategories learning environment and emotions, and the category contradiction with the subcategories referred to theory / practice, risks for the student and aspects ethical. The experience of nursing teachers in healthcare practice environments denotes a political, historical and social reality that impacts their teaching practice and ethical principles because it affects the dignity of the human person, consequently, affects the student and the teacher himself. The educators point out in their speech pedagogical concerns that, without neglecting, exceed the instrumental dimension of the practices to consider the ethical, relational and reflexive aspect of the teaching of care

Author Biography

Maribel Osorio, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Licenciada en Enfermería de la Universidad Rómulo Gallegos, especialista en Docencia en Educación Superior UCV, Especialista en Salud Ocupacional UCV, Magister en Docencia en Educación Superior UCV, Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación UBA. Docente Titular en la UCV. Directora de la EEUCV, Directora del Postgrado de Enfermería Oncológica EEUCV.


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How to Cite

Osorio, M. . (2018). Experience of teachers in the teaching of care for students during hospital practices: Experience des enseignants dans l’enseignemen des soins aux étudiants pendant les pratiques hospitalières. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (37), 272–298. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi37.734




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