The peripheral thoughts applied to physical education. From a transcomplete epistemological vision and pluriparadigmatica
The present article was made under the figure of Critical Essay with the Transcomplex epistemic orientation, sustained in the principles of: Complementarity, Relational Synergy, Epistemological Dialogic, Integrality and Deep Reflexivity. Its purpose is to make visible through the epistemes of transcomplexity the peripheral mythical-symbolic, critical, practical, theoretical, reflexive, systemic, scientific, complex, holistic thoughts and the migration of knowledge, from semiology for its application in Physical Education, with the qualitative documentary hermeneutic method, with a pluriparadigmatic approach. It was reflected that these discursive manifestations of thought and action among the different actors (teachers, students, parents, representatives, directors) represent an opportunity to reconceptualize this area of knowledge that begins with the transformation of ourselves first.
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