¿Aprender o emprender? Decisiones de hoy para el futuro





The 2019-II Cohort of the Master's Programme in Education with mention in Guidance of the UPEL-IPC, Curricular Unit Vocational and Professional Guidance, invited to the meeting Learning or undertaking? Today's decisions for the future. Its purpose was to "Reflect on the choice of life career in the face of new times and expectations". It was intended as a call for reflection and focused on learning about important aspects such as: vocation, life careers and the future: Vocation, life career, entrepreneurship, decision making. All this comes together in the search for success in a person's life. We all seek it, don't we? "Not only that, but we also want fulfilment and enjoyment in what we do".



How to Cite

Rojas Bravo, X. (2021). ¿Aprender o emprender? Decisiones de hoy para el futuro. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (41). https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi41.945