Pedagogical strata that energize school coexistence. A bibliographical interpretation




School coexistence, Disruptive behaviors, Pedagogical strategies


The purpose of this article is to present a documentary interpretation of the pedagogical strategies used to stimulate school coexistence in elementary school children. The emanated data that supported the research were achieved through a qualitative approach and bibliographic documentary design; As a methodology, the technique of analysis and interpretation of the information was applied through dialectical reasoning that accounts for the sociological significance of the findings found in the analysis that confirms or contributes new cognitive aggregate values ​​to the theory about school coexistence strategies. that help eradicate disruptive behaviors that are evidenced by ignoring the authority figure, complying with rules and collective agreements and disinterest in developing school activities in elementary school students.

Author Biography

Anilena Barrios Zúñiga, Institución Educativa San Lucas. Colombia

Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education from Colegio Mayor de Bolivar. Specialist in Informatics and Telematics for communications, degree awarded by the Universidad del Área Andina. She is currently working as a classroom teacher of 2nd grade at the Elementary School level at the San Lucas Educational Institution in the city of Cartagena de Indias Tourist and Cultural District of public character and is a student of the Doctorate in Education at the Universidad Experimental Libertador, Pedagogical Institute of Caracas (UPEL-IPC).


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How to Cite

Anilena Barrios Zúñiga. (2021). Pedagogical strata that energize school coexistence. A bibliographical interpretation. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (40), 231–242.



Review Articles