The practice of the Teacher Phisical Education and the polysemic


  • Isabel Cristina Sánchez Castillo Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela



Educación física, Praxis pedagógica, Polisemia, Complejidad


The research consisted in interpreting the praxis of the teacher based on the ontoepistémicos aspects, the polysemic and the complexity of the Physical Education, supported in the Phenomenological-Hermeneutic method from the reality of the teaching being in the process of developing a style from the fundamental axis of the formation through movement and corporeity for a better life. Sustained in a complex reality the theoretical referents and with an open interview to three (3) teachers of Secondary Education. It seeks to socialize the practice of the teacher from the polysemic and complex of Physical Education by its scope and the multiplicity of associated definitions. This meant rethinking the permanent training of those who teach and learn to reflect, review and also seek the consensus of those involved in this process of pedagogical action from the current and emerging realities of the Physical Education teacher.

Author Biography

Isabel Cristina Sánchez Castillo, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela

Doctora en Educación UPEL IPC. Certificado en Suficiencia Investigativa Universidad de León España. MSc. Administración Deportiva UPEL-IPC. MSc. Recreación UPEL-IPC Profesor de Educación Física UPEL-IPC. Autor de varias investigaciones en Educación Física, Recreación y Administración Deportiva. Tutor de diversos proyectos de grado y posgrado. Conferencista y ponente en congresos y congresos nacionales de investigación.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Castillo, I. C. . (2018). The practice of the Teacher Phisical Education and the polysemic. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (37), 376–389.


