Incidence of teacher well-being in educational quality




Teacher well-being, Educational quality


To talk about educational quality in the context of education, it was necessary to understand the concept of teacher well-being since this factor has historically affected the educational system; For this reason, this article investigated theoretical elements that allowed us to understand this phenomenon, where the disposition and motivation of the teacher become determinants when it comes to improving the teaching processes. Methodologically, the documentary design was used with 19 units of analysis, which helped to establish that teachers are physically, emotionally and mentally affected by contingencies typical of their work and personal environment, which, when incorrectly assumed, limited their performance. professional; It can be concluded that as long as educational policies and work environments do not favor the well-being of teachers, the quality of education will be limited to measuring non-humanizing standards of the school.


Author Biography

Ninoska Patricia Pinedo Torres, Institución Educativa Distrital Murillo, Barranquilla, Colombia

Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences. Specialisation in Social Sciences, Universidad del Atlántico. Specialist in Science Pedagogy, Universidad Simón Bolívar. Master in Education, Universidad Autónoma del Caribe. Murillo District Educational Institution, American University Corporation, San Pedro Claver Institute, Evardo Turizo Palencia District Educational Institution, Centro de Informática del Caribe CIC, Technical Occupational Academy AOTEC. Speaker at the First Seminar on Geographic Reflection, Universidad del Atlántico. Speaker at the International Seminar on Pedagogy and Didactics, Universidad Autónoma del Caribe. Speaker at the II International Congress on Research and Innovation in Education, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Congress for Quality Education, CAJACOPI-COLCIENCIAS. International Mathematics Research Meeting. Crossing the World, A Journey through Reading and Writing, Universidad de la Costa.


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How to Cite

Ninoska Patricia Pinedo Torres. (2023). Incidence of teacher well-being in educational quality. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (46), 208–221.



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