An overview of the phonology and morphology of the wayuu language
phonology, morphology, Wayuunaiki,, Wayuu, ArahuacaAbstract
This research outlines the basic elements of the phonology and morphology of the Wayuu language, of Arawak origin spoken in Colombia and Venezuela. In terms of phonology, we present the inventory of phonemes, the phonemic character of vowel length, syllable configuration, the importance of syllable weight and the mechanism for determining the tonic syllable. Regarding nominal morphology, we describe the differences between alienable and inalienable nouns, definite suffixes, gender and number marking, personal pronouns (which do not differentiate case), four-zone spatial deixis. On the subject of verbal morphology, we describe the double formation of the infinitive, the difference between active and stative verbs, and we provide details of the elements which contribute to an exuberant conjugation: root, topic, thematic suffixes, personal prefixes, gender-number suffixes, tense markers, suffixes for complex verbal subjects (of great semantic variety), the difference between subjective and objective construction, and the existence of aspectual verbal graduation. Finally, the lexical classes of adjectives (probably nonexistent), inflected prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions, quantifiers, and interjections are presented. In derivational morphology, the main cases of derivation are explained, ending with a quick look at compounding.
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