Poetics of abortion for a body that does not belong to us. An approach to the anthology Hago la muerte. (I make death) by Maritza Jimenez


  • Cruz Madeleine Vivas Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB)


body, abortion, woman, poetry written by women in Venezuela


Against the aesthetics inherited from the patriarchal schemes, a new discourse --one where the conceptions around the feminine are rethought-- is born. One of these is the body and its configuration in 20th century society. The aforementioned we owe to the feminist movements in Europe which had a notable influence in Venezuela. By the 1930s the founders of the national literary tradition were already rethinking the topics addressed in poetry, being abortion one of the most shocking of them.  This rhetoric was initiated by María Calcaño, who traced a path for Maritza Jiménez to produce her work and shape a discursive poetics of the feminine in Venezuela. Thus, our objective is to approach the interpretation of a voice that transcends our historiography. To achieve this, we took into consideration the theoretical postulates of Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari (2015), Gilbert-Gubar (2015) and Foucault (2012).


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Author Biography

Cruz Madeleine Vivas , Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB)

Profesora de Educación Integral, Mención Lengua de la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Magíster en Literatura Latinoamericana del Instituto Pedagógico Rafael Alberto Escobar Lara de Maracay.  Culminó Doctorado en Letras de Universidad Simón Bolívar. En la espera de fecha para la disertación de su tesis.


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How to Cite

Vivas , C. M. . (2020). Poetics of abortion for a body that does not belong to us. An approach to the anthology Hago la muerte. (I make death) by Maritza Jimenez. LETRAS, 60(96), 67–80. Retrieved from https://revistas.upel.edu.ve/index.php/letras/article/view/83


