I feel the words coming over my forehead. Writing and refuge in La casa por dentro. (The house inside) by Luz Machado


  • Reynaldo Cedeño Serrano Investigador independiente


Venezuela, poetry, Venezuelan poetry, Venezuelan literature, writing, house, woman


In the Venezuelan poetry written by women, there are several topics that have always been presented as adisruption. The household is one theme that does not escape from that label and that has become a constant. Male poets have seen in it a place where the origins are; in contrast, women write for themselves and their conception of home is related to boredom, responsibility, upbringing, husband, love for the partner, family. While for menthe household represents tenderness, for women it symbolizes tension. This research aims to analyze the writing process in different depictions and images of home and the domestic space and its link to the subjective experience in Luz Machado's book La casa por dentro (The house inside). To achieve this, a corpus was selected, and a more indepth reading with a review of specialized texts for the subsequent analysis of the selected poems was carried out.


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Author Biography

Reynaldo Cedeño Serrano, Investigador independiente

Profesor de Educación Integral (UPELMácaro). Especialista en Lectura y Escritura (UPEL-IPC) Magister en Literatura Latinoamericana (USB). Promotor de lectura.


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How to Cite

Cedeño Serrano, R. . (2020). I feel the words coming over my forehead. Writing and refuge in La casa por dentro. (The house inside) by Luz Machado . LETRAS, 60(96), 81–108. Retrieved from https://revistas.upel.edu.ve/index.php/letras/article/view/84


