Focus and scope

Letras was founded by the Department of Spanish, Literature and Latin, of the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas (today deanery of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador). Published since 1958 under the title of Bulletin (from number 1 to 22), it changed its name to Letters in 1967, starting with number 23, when it was attached to the “Andrés Bello” Study Center, transformed into a Research Center in 1976. “Andrés Bello” Linguistics and Literary Research Institute and elevated in 2004 to the category of “Andrés Bello” Venezuelan Institute of Linguistic and Literary Research (IVILLAB), where today Letters is edited and published semi-annually.

Since the professors of the Department of Spanish, Literature and Latin, of the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas promoted the creation of the Bulletin, in 1958 it has been thought that each publication includes works of the specialty that benefit students and also the communities. dedicated to teaching, and more particularly, to the teaching of the language. These ideas were materialized in the Bulletin today called Letters, as it was thought of as a space in which specialists and students - of Spanish, Literature and Latin - would publish and read works of indisputable value and importance that in some cases could have remained in the forgot. Preventing this from happening, the Bulletin grouped together various dissertations, presentations, articles, grammatical miscellanies, interviews, profiles, news, bibliographical and cultural reviews. Thus, day after day, it became a reference for the publication and consultation of works in the areas of language, literature and the teaching of language and literature.


Letras is a scientific publication whose fundamental objectives are:

Contribute to the construction of scientific knowledge in the areas of linguistics and literary criticism.
Collaborate with the improvement of the quality of education in the field of language and literature.
Study the linguistic and literary identity of the Venezuelan and Latin American.
Promote the construction of the cultural identity of the Venezuelan, through educational research in our areas of action.


Letras is a space for national and foreign researchers to publish scientific articles that constitute a relevant contribution in the areas of language, literature and teaching in both fields. It is a publication of the highest academic quality, with a long history, known and referenced by illustrious researchers worldwide and available in different libraries in the most important countries.

This magazine continues to project itself as a free access publication with the intention of sharing knowledge and transcending borders. And with technological advances, it was possible to digitize all the issues of the magazine, published since its beginnings in 1958, all of them are available online and we remain in electronic version.

We thank all readers and reaffirm our

commitment to education.

Edited and financed

The preparation, editing and composition of the magazine is carried out at the Venezuelan Institute of Linguistic and Literary Research “Andrés Bello” IVILLAB, with headquarters on the first floor of the Historical Building of the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas (Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador), Av. Páez , El Paraíso, Caracas, Venezuela.

Legal deposit: pp.195202DF47
Print ISSN: 0459-1283      Online ISSN: 2791-1179

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