Nominal ellipsis in the sociolinguistic corpus of the speech of Maracay, Venezuela




sociolinguistic, correlation, social variables, nominal ellipsis


In this quantitative, descriptive, and exploratory sociolinguistic study of a variationist nature (Moreno, 2009) we set out to examine the correlation between the social variables sex, age, level of schooling, and socioeconomic level and nominal ellipsis (Casado, 2000) in the speech of Maracay, Venezuela. We employed the Sociolinguistic corpus of the speech of Maracay (Villalobos & Díaz, 2005) and analyzed the frequency of use of nominal ellipsis in three forms: noun, noun plus other complements, and partial, as described by Ticio (2010). We evaluated the relationship between the variables present in the corpus and the frequency of use through Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, calculated with SPSS software. The results indicated that nominal ellipsis is a prevalent cohesive resource in Maracay speech, but its use does not seem to be strongly correlated with the social variables examined in the sample. However, we identify some trends, such as a slight incidence of gender in partial ellipsis and a certain association of age with the rate of noun and partial ellipsis.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Galup Thourey, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, CHILE

Licenciado en Educación, mención Lengua y Literatura, de la Universidad de Carabobo. Magíster en Lingüística (UPEL – IPMAR), Profesor de Castellano (Universidad de Chile). Estudiante del Doctorado en Lingüística en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Se ha desempeñado como profesor en la Universidad de Carabobo y la UPEL Actualmente desempeña funciones académicas y de investigación en la PUC. Interesado en la investigación de fenómenos discursivos, tanto desde la sociolingüística como desde la Lingüística Sistémico-Funcional. Investiga el sistema de IDENTIFICACIÓN en narrativas orales.


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How to Cite

Galup Thourey, R. . (2024). Nominal ellipsis in the sociolinguistic corpus of the speech of Maracay, Venezuela. LETRAS, 64(104), 21–48.




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