Tapetusa, between tradition and clandestinity: approximation and characterization of the lexicon in Eastern Antioquia, Colombia
tapetusa, artisanal beverage, diversity, linguistic and cultural wealthAbstract
In Eastern Antioquia, traditions and customs play a vital role in shaping local cultural identity, with the production of handcrafted beverages such as tapetusa—a liquor that embodies the region's historical heritage and its deep connection to the natural environment—serving as a prominent example. This study aims to characterize the specific lexicon associated with the production, commercialization, and consumption of this artisanal beverage. Applying a qualitative approach and an ethnographic method, data was collected through unstructured interviews with individuals directly engaged in the craft. Given the clandestine nature of the practice, particular attention was paid to capturing the linguistic diversity inherent in the process. This research makes a significant contribution to the preservation and recovery of both linguistic and cultural elements, highlighting the dynamics of a living language in constant evolution. Moreover, it underscores the role of such studies in recognizing artisanal production as a cultural and patrimonial symbol, fostering a deeper understanding and re-signification of local traditions while aiding in the preservation of the region’s linguistic and cultural wealth. Initial analysis led to the identification of eighty-two lexemes, enabling the development of a taxonomy that classifies the process into three key stages: production, commercialization, and consumption. As an exploratory study, this research sets the foundation for long-term investigations into the linguistic and cultural dimensions of artisanal practices in the region.
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