He uses of the particle como in Venezuelan spanish: a study on venezuelan opinion articles from the 19th and 21st centuries from the perspective of functional grammar
pragmatic uses, como, structures, Venezuelan SpanishAbstract
This research aimed to characterize the uses of the particle como from the perspective of functional grammar in Venezuelan opinion articles from the 19th and 21st centuries. Our starting point was a bibliographic review through which the criteria of analysis (consisting of a corpus of 7698 statements) were delimited. The study was of a mixed- method type and of documentary design. During the process of review, structures that did not meet the criteria described in the specialized literature were identified, making the creation of a taxonomy which included the theoretical approaches and the characteristics of the corpus analyzed necessary. In the conclusions we state that the uses of this particle in a functional sense has increased in the 21st century. Additionally, we observed that the behavior of this construction in Venezuelan Spanish meets the canonical standards. Nevertheless, specific patterns that are worth considering for future studies were also identified.
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